Saturday, March 14, 2009

First counseling session

Today was our first marriage counseling session. It went pretty well, although we got there late (and I won't say whose fault it was. . . . . :-P). I was expecting us to be fighting afterwards or something, like a sitcom episode.

Her: You never told me you hated my mother's greens!
Me: Well if you would listen sometimes. . .


But it didn't happen that way. Rev. Reynolds actually said that she thought we had a really good foundation, which would make her job a lot easier lol. I'm actually looking forward to the next one.

We've been doing lots of things to grow closer: reading books, planning this wedding, and just talking a lot more (which was hard for me. . . but i'm getting better lol).

OK that's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...this almost makes it sound like it was my fault that we were late, but it totally wasn't.......right? Lol! ;-) Btw to all you guys out there, talking to your lady = way to go!
